Welcome to the eCommerce system.
The information contained on the following screens, has been designed to assist you when verifying your account information. To access the information in this system, you must first set up a login account with the company.
When logging into the eCommerce system, enter the User Name and Password then click the
NOTE: The User Name and Password are case sensitive and must be enter with the appropriate capital and lower case letters as necessary.
If you have forgotten your password, click the Forget Password link provided. A window will be displayed on the screen allowing you to enter your User ID, name and email address.
The User ID is the same as the User Name you enter when logging on to the eCommerce system. If you had entered your User Name before accessing this window, it will be displayed in the User ID field along with your name and email address. After entering the required information, click the
Where available, you may click the Detail icon
If the company has saved the transaction, such as an order or invoice as a PDF formatted file, you may save, print or email a copy of the transaction. If the company has NOT saved the transaction as a PDF file, you may click the
From the Billing Account screen, you may click the